Alabama Radio Network provides hourly newscasts from 6:30 a.m. through 6:30 p.m CT, six days a week. Each newscast is four minutes long, including commercial break, and is repeated at :55 past the hour as well as the top of the hour for your programming convenience.
The newscasts are formatted so your station can take a three-minute version (two minutes of content plus a 60-second network commercial) or a four-minute version (another minute of content after the commercial). Normally, all three newscasts are identical except during breaking news events.
The ARN news updates are fed at :50 past the hour and provide a headline service ideal for music-intensive radio stations. Each update is two minutes long including a 60-second commercial.
Another valuable news department service is ARN OnDemand which includes news actualities and correspondent reports from reporters throughout the state including our bureau in the state capital. This material is designed to enhance your station’s locally-produced newscasts by providing statewide reporters and creditability!